
Troop 182G was formed March 17, 2021. As a "Girls-Led Troop," it is the policy of Troop 182G that the programs and activities will be planned and carried out by the girls, with supervision by the adult leadership. This is the only way the scouts will learn leadership skills and to deal with the consequences of their decisions and actions. The success of their scouting experience depends largely on the effort and commitment they put into the various activities, and on the girl leaders they elect.

Crew Advisor(s)
Youth Leadership Positions
Senior Patrol Leader

The senior patrol leader is the top leader of the troop. She is responsible for the troops overall operation. With guidance from the Scoutmaster, he takes charge of troop meetings, of the patrol leader's council, and of all troop activities, and he does everything he can to help each patrol be successful. She is responsible for annual program planning conferences and assists the Scoutmaster in conducting troop leadership training. The senior patrol leader presides over the patrol leader's council and works closely with each patrol leader to plan troop meetings and make arrangements for troop activities. All members of a troop vote by secret ballot to choose their senior patrol leader. Rank and age requirements to be a senior patrol leader are determined by each troop, as is the schedule of elections. During a Scouts time as senior patrol leader, he is not a member of any patrol but may participate with a Venture patrol in high-adventure activities.

Assistant Senior Patrol Leader

The assistant senior patrol leader works closely with the senior patrol leader to help the troop move forward and serves as acting senior patrol leader when the senior patrol leader is absent. Among his specific duties, the assistant senior patrol leader trains and provides direction to the troop quartermaster, scribe, historian, librarian, instructors, and Order of the Arrow representative. During his tenure as assistant senior patrol leader he is not a member of a patrol, but he may participate in the high-adventure activities of a Venture patrol. Large troops may have more than one assistant senior patrol leader, each appointed by the senior patrol leader.